Tuesday, April 12, 2011


God is just so faithful!! He met me very specifically last week, but lets set the stage first.

First off, this deep into CIRCLES, most of you probably know that I like to draw during church. At first it was fun, and a good excuse/method to get some of my spiritual life in front of the eyes of the audience of the PodCast I am on.

Secondly, this past year has been a long and powerful journey. The tail end of which being a time of spiritual awakening. I know that this sounds dramatic, but just stick with me. The first step of this "awakening" was realizing and seeing the Spirits existing work in and around my life. Through and in things like my personality, history, talents, and struggles. This realization helped me to look at my personality, history, talents, and struggles with the Lord in mind. Seeing these things in the Light that only He can shead helped me to see Him in them. Seeing Him in them helped me realize that they are His, making it easier to give them back to Him.

Thirdly was learning the Power of choosing to have an expectant and humble heart. That is fertile soil for the Lord to sew His seeds.

The stage is now set, so lets rewind to the Sunday before last, April 3, 2011. On my way to RockHarbor I was having a conversation with the Lord about what He has been doing in my heart and mind. Specifically with how He has used my spiritual gifts in and through my drawings. I wasn't doubting His hand in it, or even questioning it. Because I KNEW He had been in it. I realize now as I sit here in Starbucks that I was challenging, or asking Him rather, if He was going to continue to use me in this manner. I left it at that, went to the Hangar to help set up. Met my friends in our regular spot in the Sanctuary on the left hand side under the good lighting (for drawing). Worshiped. Prayed. Worshiped. Etc. Then the study started, I prayed that I would be inspired to draw something, or be given an image. I sat and waited for a little while. Darin then said something about justice and I got an image. An image of a man holding scales. As I drew it it became more clear. It turned out to be our very own Zach! In the scales that he was holding there was a heart of flesh that was being out weighted by fruit. After the study I was serving with Zach in the Hangar and had the opportunity to share the drawing and what the Lord put on my heart about it with him. I always get nervous about sharing that stuff with people because I don't want to come off as, "THUS SAITH THEE LORD!!" That knee-jerk response is out of fear, not decrement. And fear is never to be reacted out of, so I did my best to die to myself and be bold. And I know and trust Zach, even if I was way off he wouldn't kill me. Long story a little bit shorter we had a great conversation about the drawing. At the end of the night he came back up to me and handed me a letter. When I got home to read it I was so blessed. It was really awesome. The Lord answered the questions I had earlier that night through Zach's letter.


I write this not to brag or anything like that at all. But to encourage. If you were to tell me a year ago that I would be writing this Blog today I would have been extremely skeptical, and probably thrown in an eye roll. The week prior to this story I was drawing and it turned out to be my brother, and when I called him to tell him about it we had the most wonderful and AWESOME conversation about what God was doing in each of our lives.

Be bold guys, and trust deeper! And expect the Lord to move. That give Him room for Glory and Honor in our hearts, and the hearts of the others around you!

I love you all.

my Brother


  1. Soooo awesome. Praise God. These stories are amazing and I pray that you continue to see the Lord react to your faithfulness. Continue to pursue Him and He will continue to blow your mind :) Please be encouraged & have a wonderful day. This blog was sooooo good!

  2. So rad Frankie!!
    Encouraged brother!

  3. Absolutely amazing man! This is so inspiring and powerful. Im always blown away by your heart and your drawings. I can see so clearly God speaking through you. I admire you a lot. Thank you so much for putting this up, and trusting the Lord. Love you brother. 

  4. Loved this. It's been such a blessing to talk with you about some pretty deep stuff lately on Saturday's for our roundtable discussions. Your heart is encouraging and your boldness even more so. Thanks for this and such a vital reminder that we are made for His glory and use, and He is for us and with us.

  5. I absolutely love your blogs and I am absolutely enamored with your boldness. I think it so evident that God has been using you as a mouthpiece (pencil piece??) and it is all no doubt that it is because of your faithfulness and your boldness. Good for you Frankie! Thank you for writing!

  6. This is amazing, and so encouraging! God is clearly working and moving in this group and in us individually in so many ways! Love it. And by the way, every time I read your blogs and see your drawings, I can't help but think (literally EVERY TIME)..."Frankie is so incredibly, crazy talented!" :)

  7. Really cool. That sort of looks like Zach, too.

  8. AMAZING!!!! This is an unbelievable and special gift that God has given you as a way to speak to you and through you. I can't wait to see who else God wants to speak to through you. I love it! and I love you. I really enjoyed talking to you last Sunday. It's a joy to spend time with you every Sunday.

  9. thank you thank you!!! I have been praying for encouragement. : )

  10. awww frankieee :) youre the man. way to be obedient in the Spirits work. so sick. im glad you were encouraged by the letter. i totally felt the Spirit come over me and it was like you need to go encourage frank and write him this so it was cool how God was using that to answer your prayer. when can i have a copy of the drawing!?

  11. Praise the lord. Great great stuff to read about. way to be listening to the spirit and letting him take control. These types of experiences are great to be able to reflect back on. Even if something amazing does not happen like this all the time every single week, keep your heart where it is because look how God can use you! So fantastic.

  12. love this! i love seeing God use the talents and passions He has put in you to make His name great and cause others to be encouraged. what a blessing.

  13. so bomb!!! God is amazing!

  14. thank you for sharing your gifts and thoughts with us, frankie! it's really encouraging to hear about how the Lord is moving in and through your life. your stories, and a few on other blogs, are really helping restore hope where i'm starting to lose it. thank you.

  15. It is so awesome how God used your gift and your obedience! Thanks for sharing this. You have an amazing heart for the Lord and an amazing gift. It is so cool to see how God is using you. :)
